

The Long Dark, I want to play it now!

I just found about this game and I can’t wait to play it.  The video kind of gives me a Walking Dead feel but kind of sets what I can only assume is anxiety off.  It really gave me that…

Turn Num Lock on by default in Windows

So if you are like me and use the number pad a good bit you probably prefer to have Num Lock on by default.  I usually will be working on something start hitting numbers and… nothing! It’s a 1 second…

Play Hearthstone as a collective!

Reddit user speedtouch just released a new way to play Hearthstone.  You can play as a group with others and it is all vote based. Check it out here: From their post on Reddit… I’ve created an website to allow…

Wildstar, tips/messages stuck in middle of screen

I recently started playing the Wildstar beta and I had a rather frustrating issue that kept occurring.  When the game would show messages/tips in the middle of the screen I was not able to close them.  I could not press the…